PART 3: A Panoramic View of the Bible Narrative

Showing God's Marvelous Plan to Free Mankind from the Forces of Evil

Dear Readers,

We are living in strange, perilous times where each day, we wonder, “What in the world will happen next?” Not to worry! The Lord God has all the answers which He gladly shares with us through the Bible, His Holy Word!

The Bible is a big book, jam-packed with information and details that can be hard to understand. I have prepared PANORAMIC VIEW OF THE BIBLE, a four-page outline, to give readers a quick understanding of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Knowing the Bible is critical because time is running out and we humans need to get our lives in order by letting God tell us what’s happening in the world, and why -- and instruct us on how to best make it through the trying times that lie ahead.

Here is Our Problem

Our first parents, Adam and Eve, in their innocence, ate from the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, allowing Evil and the Devil to break loose in the world. Evil cannot be put back on the tree! Through the thousands of years, Evil, and all of its complexities, has created unbelievable cruelty, pain, chaos, and suffering, including the problems we are having in the world today.
Panoramic View of the Bible will unravel the entanglements to show that there is an ongoing story, unveiling God’s marvelous plan to free mankind from the forces of Evil by bringing forth Jesus “to destroy the works of the Devil” (1 Jn 3:8; Heb 2:14, 15) and become the World’s Savior and King. Indeed, Jesus, Evil’s Chief Exterminator, is the heart and soul of the entire Bible.

How Panoramic View Will Help

Some Bible stories are very familiar -- for example, Noah and the Ark, Daniel in the Lion’s Den, etc. This 4-page outline will help readers put the familiar stories in their proper order and see how people and events are connected and how all lead to Jesus, our Savior, and King.

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Panoramic View of the Bible Download

Please download the complete Panoramic View of the Bible in PDF. The document includes the Overview, Timeline, and Narrative.


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