About the Author

Mother Bernice Mason

Mother Bernice Meade Mason, Aliquippa Neighborhood Evangelist, is an ardent student of the Bible, a dedicated Bible teacher, a licensed minister and a Bible-based author. Over the years, she has prepared numerous Bible studies and has held seminars and classes, specializing in accelerated studies so that seekers can get quick understanding of the Word of God.  Her mission is to share the Word of God with as many people as possible, starting in her own neighborhood and urging and encouraging other mission-minded Christians to join in and expand the efforts to neighborhoods, near and far.

Over the years, with the help of dedicated volunteers, she has distributed Christian Education materials to more than 500 households in her neighborhood and surrounding areas.  At the present time, her main tool for spreading and teaching God’s Word is her “Panoramic View of the Bible,” a four-page outline/timeline that takes readers quickly through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, revealing God’s marvelous plan to free Mankind from the “curse of evil, sin and death.”

She has written and published two books: “How to Share the Word of God with Your Family, Neighbors and Friends, and Why You Must Do It Now,” and “Bible Prophecy Worth Repeating.”

She can be reached at neighborhoodevangelist@gmail.com

"Bible Prophecy Worth Repeating" available at these retailers:


If you are not saved from the curse of sin and death, you can be-- because God is “not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9)  Even though God is invisible, he is everywhere – right where you are at this moment.  Because he is alive, you can talk to him at any time. Romans 10:9, says “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead you will be saved.”  Verse 13: “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

In short, that means, if you believe that Jesus is real and alive, then talk to him, use your mouth, talk to him!  Don’t just recite something. Tell Jesus/God what is really on your heart – something good, bad, or in between.  He will hear you and embrace you.  It’s that simple.  Having a pure-hearted personal relationship with Jesus!   That’s Salvation!


Please share the Good News with your neighbors!